Linen and Hemp bed sheet set are famous with their moisure-wicking, breathable and natural antibactenial features, as deluxe and irresistibly comfortable quality of bedding, widely favored by people. What is the difference between linen and hemp?

Linen VS. Hemp
Linen bed sheet is 100% pure French flax linen which mainly grows in Europe, high output, prices of raw material effected by multiple factors, such as shipping cost, climate change. This fine linen sheeting is durable, smooth to touch, pre-shunk and pre-wahsed, softens further over time, anti-pilling, machine washable.

Hemp bed sheet is smoother, stronger and more breathable than linen bed sheets, low output, which is produced in the northeast of China. Hemp sheet is more sustainable to use.

Which one would you prefer to have? Contact with us for more information.